CARIS : Current Agricultural Research Information System.
Eco-entreprises : "Eco-entreprises recense les sociétés wallonnes actives dans le secteur de l'environnement, quelle que soit leur taille."
esp@cenet : Brevets européens.
Essential Science Indicators : "In-depth analytical tool offering data for ranking scientists, institutions, countries, and journals. - Explore science performance statistics and science trends data, based on journal article publication counts and citation data. - Determine research output and impact in specific fields of research. - Evaluate potential employees, collaborators, reviewers, and peers."
FAOSTAT : "FAOSTAT permet l’accès à plus de 3 millions de séries chronologiques et de données croisées relatives à l’alimentation et l’agriculture. Rien que dans son module central, FAOSTAT contient des données concernant 200 pays et plus de 200 produits primaires et facteurs de production."
FarmPhoto : "Photography for farmers."
FishBase : "A global information system on fishes. FishBase is a relational database with information to cater to different professionals such as research scientists, fisheries managers, zoologists and many more. FishBase on the web contains practically all fish species known to science."
ISI HighlyCited. com : "This free, expert gateway uses citation data to deliver comprehensive information about the most significant scientists and scholars publishing today."
Journal Citation Reports : JCR. "Journal performance metrics offer a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world's leading journals. - Delivers quantifiable statistical information based on citation data. - Helps determine a publication’s impact and influence in the global research community. - Includes journal and category data."
Kompass : "Ce site vous permet de trouver des informations sur les entreprises et sur leurs activités."
TreeBASE : "TreeBASE is a relational database designed to manage and explore information on phylogenetic relationships. Its main function is to store published phylogenetic trees and data matrices. It also includes bibliographic information on phylogenetic studies, and some details on taxa, characters, algorithms used, and analyses performed."
Web of Knowledge : "ISI Web of Knowledge is a Web platform for searching high-quality information products essential to research in academic, corporate, government, and non-profit organizations. Through ISI Web of Knowledge, you can access individual products, or you can search multiple products simultaneously through CrossSearch."